The ICE's online IPD system gives you only 2000 characters per evidence, approximately 300-400 words including spaces, so brevity is key.
Any uploads must be in PDF format with a 2MB limit. Pictures/photos that are not in PDF format (typically .jpg or .png) will need to be transposed into a Word or Presentation file in order to be converted into a PDF. The benefits of this method is that you are able to annotate your illustrations using words; shapes and arrows; in addition to compressing the picture to a smaller file size.
The current IPD Online system automatically causes a ‘timeout' after 20 minutes, so our advice is to download the Attribute Achievement Form (.docx format) and type your evidence in there first, and then copy and paste it into the relevant box online. This way you also have a backup version in the correct format should IPD Online go wrong.
The above constraints are subject to the current IPD Online System; which could be subject to alteration in the next anticipated update to the system, which is currently scheduled for Spring 2017.